1941 Deportation
Population of the Village
he Spring 2000 Journal from AHSGR relates the history of the Gross Family since 1876, written by Gerald Schmidt. The article includes pictures, the certificate his relative received for his service in the forced labor camps during and after the war in Russia, and interviews with some of the relatives about their lives before, during, and after exile.
The following two maps were developed by Gerald Schmidt, showing the locations of their Siberian exile from 1941-1956 and their Siberian exile after 1956. Unfortunately, they were not included in the article because of the large space they would have required.

The village map of the village of Mariental for the year 1941, was also submitted by Gerald. This map gives the name and location of the families living in Mariental before the deportation to Siberia began.
Many thanks to Jerry, for this valuable information, and the very fine article in the Journal. Anyone wishing to order a copy of the Spring 2000 Journal, just need to contact AHSGR (American Historical Society of Germans From Russia) in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Click HERE for larger 1941 Mariental Map