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Land of the Volga Germans

    Ellis County, Kansas became a hotbed in the late 1870's and early 1880's for immigrants that came from the "old country", Russia and settled in Ellis County.  These immigrants over two hundred years ago traveled from Germany to Russia and than came to the United States.  After arriving in Ellis County they began to set up their own villages patterned off their original villages.  These new "colonies" were founded:

Liebenthal - February 22, 1876
Catherine - April 8, 1876
Herzog - April 8, 1876
Munjor - August 1876
Pfeifer - August 21 (24), 1876
Schoenchen - April/May 1877

The links on the side bar are links to those settlements, which will give you an overview of those who have settled, pictures and more information.  These links will be constantly updated.

Antonino (Munjor)
Emmeram (Victoria)
Severin (Catherine)
Vincent (Victoria)
Walker (Victoria)

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