Family Genealogies & Research
The family surnames listed below are books that have been compiled from Russian Archives Census records, local birth, marriage, obituaries, cemetery and death records. No books are ever complete because of continuing growing families and not all information was provided at the time the books were compiled.
Each book contains a genealogical section listing origin of family from Russia and sometimes from Germany, births, marriages, deaths and miscellaneous information that may have been provided. In some cases, genealogical charts are also included in some books.
Books run in length anywhere from 50 - 1000+ pages depending on the family. Books are bound with a comb binding, and those with 1000+ pages are bound in two volumes.
Prices for the books are listed next to each surname. For more information, contact myself, Kevin Rupp, 1206 East 31st. , Hays, Ks. 67601 or krupp@ruraltel.net
If there is a book not listed that you may be interested please contact me for availability and cost. All proceeds made from the selling of these books go to obtain more information from the Russian Archives.
Applehans/Appelhanz $40.00
Arnold / Arnhold $45.00
Bahl $25.00
Basgal / Basgall $50.00
Befort $50.00
Bieker $50.00
Billinger $50.00
Boes/Boos 1000+ pages $75.00
Bollig / Bollich $50.00
Boxler $50.00
Braun $50.00
Breit $25.00
Brull 1000+ Pages $75.00
Brungardt 1000+ pages $75.00
Dechant $50.00
Dennins $50.00
Depperschmidt $40.00
Dinges $30.00
Dinkel $50.00
Doerfler $50.00
Dome / Domme $40.00
Dorzweiler $35.00
Dreiling 1000+ pages $75.00
Eberle $25.00
Engel $40.00
Gabel $30.00
Gassman $30.00
Geist $45.00
Giebler $30.00
Goetz $50.00
Gross $35.00
Haas $30.00
Hammerschmidt $50.00
Herl $25.00
Herrmann / Herman $50.00
Jakob / Jacob / Jacobs $50.00
Junker / Younker / Younger $50.00
Karlin $50.00
Keberlein $50.00
Kisner $40.00
Klaus $40.00
Knoll $50.00
Koerner $30.00
Korbe $35.00
Kreutzer $45.00
Kuhn $50.00
Legleiter $50.00
Leikam $40.00
Leiker $75.00
Linnenberger $45.00
Meier $35.00
Mermis $45.00
Miller $25.00
Nuernberger / Niernberger $50.00
Obholz $40.00
Peters $40.00
Pfannenstiel 1000+pages $75.00
Pfeifer $50.00
Quindt / Quint $45.00
Richmeier $35.00
Riedel $50.00
Rohleder $50.00
Rohr $50.00
Rome $50.00
Ruder $40.00
Rupp 1000+ pages $75.00
Sack $25.00
Sander / Sanders $50.00
Sauer $30.00
Schaefer / Schaffer $45.00
Schmidtberger $50.00
Schmidt $50.00
Schoenberger $50.00
Schumacher $50.00
Seib $40.00
Speier $35.00
Staab $50.00
Stegman $50.00
Stecklein / Stoecklein $50.00
Stremal / Stroemel $50.00
Unrein $50.00
Urban $50.00
Vonfeldt $50.00
Walter / Walters $40.00
Wasinger $50.00
Weber $50.00
Weigel $50.00
Weilert $50.00
Wendler $50.00
Werth $50.00
Windholz $50.00
Wittmann / Wittman $50.00
Wolf $40.00
Younger / Junker / Younker $50.00
Zimmerman $20.00